🛠️Getting set up

Start from Templates

Jumpstarting your project with The Cillop Architecture has never been easier. We've crafted a set of project templates tailored to various needs, ensuring you have a robust foundation to begin your development journey. Whether you're building a web application, a backend service, or an intricate system, there's a template ready for you.

Explore Example Projects

To better showcase the capabilities and potential of The Cillop Architecture, we've set up several example projects on our GitHub repository. These projects serve as practical demonstrations, helping you understand the architecture's application in real-world scenarios.

🔗 Visit Our GitHub Repository: Cillop Sample Projects

Quick Start

If you're eager to dive in and explore an example project, here's a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Use the git command to clone our sample project repository:

git clone https://github.com/cilloparch/boilerplates.git
  1. Navigate to the desired project directory:

cd boilerplates/[desired-project-name]
  1. Follow the README within the specific project directory for further instructions on setup and exploration.

Last updated