
Building Blocks of Your Application

The pkg directory is a cornerstone in the Cillop Architecture, holding reusable packages and libraries that can potentially be utilized across various projects. This directory is designed to contain components that are less about the business logic and more about providing utilities, helpers, and frameworks on top of which the application's specific functionalities are built.

Key Highlights

  1. Modularity and Reusability: pkg is where you encapsulate generic code, allowing it to be modular and reusable. This approach encourages clean code practices and reduces redundancy.

  2. Framework Integrations: Integration codes for various frameworks, like database connectors (mongodb in our architecture), are placed here. They abstract away complexities and offer a more straightforward and project-tailored interface for other parts of your application.

  3. Core Utilities: Whether it's a helper function to validate data or a set of constants, pkg can host utilities that aren't directly tied to your application's core logic but are essential for its operation.

  4. Domain-Specific Structures: The domains sub-directory, for instance, provides a structure for domain-specific entities, repositories, and other related definitions. They serve as a blueprint for how data and its operations are represented and handled within your application.

  5. CQRS Implementation: The Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern, found in our architecture, is implemented in the cqrs sub-directory. It acts as a foundation for separating the modification and querying of data, thus paving the way for more scalable and maintainable applications.

Flexibility in Growth:

It's worth noting that the pkg directory is inherently flexible. As the project grows or as new technologies and methodologies emerge, this directory can evolve to accommodate additional packages or modifications to existing ones.

The pkg directory represents the spine of the Cillop Architecture. By decoupling utilities and foundational components from the core application logic, it fosters a development environment that's structured, scalable, and focused on clarity.

Last updated