
Bridging the Application with the World

The server directory is your gateway, the point where your application communicates and serves its functionalities to the outside world. Whether it's through an HTTP API, an event stream, or a remote procedure call (RPC), the server directory manages these interaction points, making your application accessible to users, other services, and systems.

Key Components and Responsibilities

  1. Multiple Interfaces: The server directory isn't confined to one type of interaction or protocol. Whether you're using RESTful HTTP APIs, WebSockets for real-time communications, or RPCs for microservice interactions, this directory can encapsulate all these server interfaces.

  2. HTTP Server: The http sub-directory is designed to manage everything related to HTTP interactions. This includes setting up routes, handling requests, managing responses, and ensuring security measures are in place.

  3. Event Stream: For applications that rely on real-time data or need to broadcast events, the event-stream sub-directory comes into play. It handles all things related to pushing data to clients or subscribers in real-time.

  4. Remote Procedure Call (RPC): The rpc sub-directory manages the RPC functionalities, often used in microservices architectures. RPC allows different services to communicate with each other seamlessly, making operations like querying data or invoking functions from another service straightforward.

  5. Protobuf Definitions and Routes: Within the rpc directory, you'll also find the protobuf definitions (protos sub-directory) and their generated Go files (routes sub-directory). Protobuf, or Protocol Buffers, is a method developed by Google to serialize structured data, making RPC communications efficient and robust.

Why It Matters

As applications scale and become more complex, the way they interface with external entitiesโ€”be it users, third-party apps, or other servicesโ€”becomes crucial. The server directory ensures that these interactions are organized, scalable, and maintainable. It also makes sure that no matter how complex the internal workings of the application become, the external interfaces remain consistent and reliable.

The server directory is like the reception desk of a large building. It directs incoming queries, ensures smooth communication, and provides the necessary information, all while making sure that the core functionalities inside the building remain uninterrupted and efficient.

Last updated